Guide to start using Konduit-Serving with Java SDK
This quickstart article will show you to begin your project in the Java environment. Konduit-Serving provides Java SDK, a developer tool that enable you to write the code with more ease, effectiveness and efficiency. Let's start building and installing Konduit-Serving from the source and take a look to demonstrate the examples of Konduit-Serving in Java.
You will need following prerequisites to follow along
Once you've installed the Konduit-Serving to your local maven repository, you can now include it in your build tool's dependencies. Follow the instructions below for an example of Konduit-Serving with Java SDK.
Java SDK
Let's look at the examples how to use Konduit-Serving in Java
Cloning Examlpe Repository
Let's clone the konduit-serving-examples repository:
You'll need to open the "java" file in IntelliJ as a project, and you'll find two examples under the ./src/main/java subfolder. Let's look at the examples of Konduit-Serving to create a configuration and deploy a server.
Let’s start by defining the inference configuration and sequence pipeline that define the configuration of the server: