Deeplearning4j (DL4J)

This document illustrates how to create Konduit Serving configurations with the Java SDK:

Deeplearning4j (DL4J)

  • Using Java to create a configuration

import ai.konduit.serving.InferenceConfiguration;
import ai.konduit.serving.config.ServingConfig;
import ai.konduit.serving.configprovider.KonduitServingMain;
import ai.konduit.serving.configprovider.KonduitServingMainArgs;
import ai.konduit.serving.model.ModelConfig;
import ai.konduit.serving.model.ModelConfigType;
import ai.konduit.serving.model.TensorDataTypesConfig;
import ai.konduit.serving.pipeline.step.ModelStep;
import ai.konduit.serving.verticles.inference.InferenceVerticle;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.Unirest;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException;
import org.nd4j.linalg.api.ndarray.INDArray;
import org.nd4j.serde.binary.BinarySerde;
import org.nd4j.tensorflow.conversion.TensorDataType;


Konduit Serving works by defining a series of steps. These include operations such as

  1. Pre- or post-processing steps

  2. One or more machine learning models

  3. Transforming the output in a way that can be understood by humans

If deploying your model does not require pre- nor post-processing, only one step - a machine learning model - is required. This configuration is defined using a single ModelStep.

Set the dl4j model path to dl4jmodelfilePath.

String dl4jmodelfilePath = new ClassPathResource("data/multilayernetwork/").

Configure the step

Define the DL4J configuration as a ModelConfig object.

  • tensorDataTypesConfig: The ModelConfig object requires a HashMap input_data_types. Its keys should represent column names, and the values should represent data types as strings, e.g. "INT32", "FLOAT",etc,. See here for a list of supported data types.

  • modelConfigType: This argument requires a ModelConfigType object. In the Java program above, we recognised that SimpleCNN is configured as a MultiLayerNetwork, in contrast with the ComputationGraph class, which is used for more complex networks. Specify modelType as MULTI_LAYER_NETWORK, and modelLoadingPath to point to the location of DL4J weights saved in the ZIP file format.

Map<String, TensorDataType> input_data_types = new HashMap<>();
input_data_types.put("image_array", TensorDataType.FLOAT);

List<String> input_names = new ArrayList<String>(input_data_types.keySet());
List<String> output_names = new ArrayList<>();

ModelConfig dl4jModelConfig = ModelConfig.builder()

For the ModelStep object, the following parameters are specified:

  • modelConfig: pass the ModelConfig object here

  • input_names: names for the input data

  • output_names: names for the output data

ModelStep dl4jModelStep = ModelStep.builder()

Configure the server

Specify the following:

  • httpPort: specify any port number that is not reserved.

int port = Util.randInt(1000, 65535);

ServingConfig servingConfig = ServingConfig.builder()

The ServingConfig has to be passed to Server in addition to the steps as a Java list. In this case, there is a single step: dl4jModelStep.

InferenceConfiguration inferenceConfiguration = InferenceConfiguration.builder()

The inferenceConfiguration is stored as a JSON File. Set the KonduitServingMainArgs with the saved config.json file path as configPath and other necessary server configuration arguments.

File configFile = new File("config.json");
FileUtils.write(configFile, inferenceConfiguration.toJson(), Charset.defaultCharset());

KonduitServingMainArgs args1 = KonduitServingMainArgs.builder()

Start server by calling KonduitServingMain with the configurations mentioned in the KonduitServingMainArgs using Callback Function(as per the code mentioned in the Inference Section below)


We generate a (3, 224, 224) array of random numbers between 0 and 255 as input to the model for prediction.

Before requesting for a prediction, we normalize the image to be between 0 and 1:

INDArray rand_image = Util.randInt(new int[]{1, 3, 244, 244}, 255);
File file = new File("src/main/resources/data/");

if(!file.exists()) file.createNewFile();

BinarySerde.writeArrayToDisk(rand_image, file);

To configure the client, set the required URL to connect server and specify any port number that is not reserved (as used in server configuration).

A Callback Function onSuccess is implemented in order to post the Client request and get the HttpResponse, only after the successful run of the KonduitServingMain Server.

    .onSuccess(() -> {
        try {
            String response ="http://localhost:%s/raw/nd4j", port))
                    .field("image_array", file).asString().getBody();
        } catch (UnirestException e) {

Confirm the Output

After executing the above, in order to confirm the successful start of the Server, check for the below output text:

Jan 08, 2020 3:03:50 PM ai.konduit.serving.configprovider.KonduitServingMain
INFO: Deployed verticle ai.konduit.serving.verticles.inference.InferenceVerticle

The Output of the program is as follows:

  "output" : {
    "batchId" : "d5090c30-526d-4e1f-93e2-a918435ac1da",
    "ndArray" : {
      "dataType" : "FLOAT",
      "shape" : [ 1, 5 ],
      "data" : [ 0.028113496, 0.3778126, 0.023068674, 3.759411E-5, 0.5709677 ]

The complete inference configuration in JSON format is as follows:

  "memMapConfig" : null,
  "servingConfig" : {
    "httpPort" : 24229,
    "listenHost" : "localhost",
    "logTimings" : false,
    "outputDataFormat" : "JSON",
    "uploadsDirectory" : "file-uploads/"
  "steps" : [ {
    "@type" : "ModelStep",
    "inputColumnNames" : { },
    "inputNames" : [ "image_array" ],
    "inputSchemas" : { },
    "modelConfig" : {
      "@type" : "ModelConfig",
      "modelConfigType" : {
        "modelLoadingPath" : "C:\\konduit-serving-examples\\java\\target\\classes\\data\\multilayernetwork\\",
        "modelType" : "MULTI_LAYER_NETWORK"
      "tensorDataTypesConfig" : {
        "inputDataTypes" : {
          "image_array" : "FLOAT"
        "outputDataTypes" : { }
    "normalizationConfig" : null,
    "outputColumnNames" : { },
    "outputNames" : [ "output" ],
    "outputSchemas" : { },
    "parallelInferenceConfig" : {
      "batchLimit" : 32,
      "inferenceMode" : "BATCHED",
      "maxTrainEpochs" : 1,
      "queueLimit" : 64,
      "vertxConfigJson" : null,
      "workers" : 1
  } ]

Last updated

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