This page provides a Java example of inferencing a model, built in Python with ONNX Runtime, a cross-platform, high performance scoring engine for machine learning models.
The Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) format is supported by a number of deep learning frameworks, including PyTorch, CNTK, MXNet, etc,.
A reference Java project is provided in the Example repository ( ) with a Maven pom.xml dependencies file. If using the IntelliJ IDEA IDE, open the java folder as a Maven project and run the main function of InferenceModelStepONNX class.
For the purposes of this example, we use ONNX model files from Ultra-Light-Fast-Generic-Face-Detector-1MB by Linzaer, a lightweight facedetection model designed for edge computing devices.
Python script with PyTorch and ONNX Runtime
Now that we have an optimized ONNX file, we can serve our model.
The following is the python script :
Here we use the pythonCodePath argument instead of pythonCode, in order to specify the location of the Python script.
Define the inputs and outputs name and type of the value as defined by the name() method of a PythonVariables.Type, here we use NDARRAY. See for supported data types.
To run this example please install (PIL 6.21,numpy,matplotlib 3.1.2,onnxruntime 1.1.0, torchvision 0.4.2)and set the python path as pythonPath(pythonPath) in the python_config to refer the required Python libraries.
The inferenceConfiguration is stored as a JSON File.
File configFile = new File("config.json");
FileUtils.write(configFile, inferenceConfiguration.toJson(), Charset.defaultCharset());
Load a sample image and send the image as NDARRAY to the server for prediction.
Accepted input and output data formats are as follows:
Output: NUMPY, JSON, ND4J and ARROW. {% endhint %}
The Client should be configured to match the Konduit Serving instance. As this example is run on a local computer, the server is located at host 'http://localhost' and port port. And Finally, we run the Konduit Serving instance with the saved config.json file path as configPath and other necessary server configuration arguments.
A Callback Function onSuccess is implemented in order to post the Client request and get the HttpResponse, only after the successful run of the KonduitServingMain Server.