Thelogs command can be used to view the logs of a particular Konduit Server, given a server id. There are a couple other options to use with the logs command.
The following command outputs the log file contents of server with an id of 'inf_server':
$ konduit logs inf_server
The output of log file will print the last 10 lines by default:
"labelName" : "label",
"indexName" : "index",
"probName" : "prob",
"labels" : [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ],
"allProbabilities" : false
} ]
17:18:15.938 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO a.k.s.v.p.h.v.InferenceVerticleHttp - Inference HTTP server is listening on host: 'localhost'
17:18:15.938 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO a.k.s.v.p.h.v.InferenceVerticleHttp - Inference HTTP server started on port 42849 with 4 pipeline steps
You can also output and tail the log file contents of server with an id of 'inf_server' by adding -f or --follow option:
$ konduit logs inf_server --follow
You'll notice the output is similar to konduit logs inf_server but the text cursor is still in the tail of the printed logs. You can press CTRL + C to exit. To view the last 50 lines of the server logs, run the following command: