Let's deploy the server with the configuration made above. The successful server deployment will give the port number and host of the server:
new VertxOptions(), // Default vertx options
new DeploymentOptions(), // Default deployment options
inferenceConfiguration, // Inference configuration with logging step
handler -> { // this block will be called when server finishes the deployment
if (handler.succeeded()) { // If the server is sucessfully running
// Getting the result of the deployment
InferenceDeploymentResult inferenceDeploymentResult = handler.result();
int runnningPort = inferenceDeploymentResult.getActualPort();
String deploymentId = inferenceDeploymentResult.getDeploymentId();
System.out.format("The server is running on port %s with deployment id of %s%n",
runnningPort, deploymentId);
try {
String result = Unirest.post(String.format("http://localhost:%s/predict", runnningPort))
.header("Content-Type", "application/json")
.header("Accept", "application/json")
.body(new JSONObject().put("input_key", "input_value"))
System.out.format("Result from server : %s%n", result);
} catch (UnirestException e) {
} else { // If the server failed to run
You'll be able to see the output similar to this once the server successfully deployed:
The server is running on port 37663 with deployment id of 59d5d475-be83-4348-8983-4d3e7328e71d
Result from server : {
"input_key" : "input_value"
Process finished with exit code 0