Basic Simple example to demonstrate Konduit-Serving
In the first example, we’ll use normal operations as a model, but it is deploying on Konduit-Serving. You can give input and get the return of output from the server. This will make your model more straightforward to understand by humans as it can provide direct results.
Viewing directory structure
Let’s run cells with bash in a sub-process by using cell magic command and view files in the current directory that will be used in this demonstration.
Copy %%bash
echo "Current directory $( pwd )" && tree
The following files are present in our simple python script demo.
Copy Current directory /root/konduit/demos/0-python-simple
├── python-simple.ipynb
├── python.yaml
0 directories, 4 files
Viewing Python script content
The scripts contain a simple initialization script for an add function which loads the main function in the
and executes the incoming input through
Copy %%bash
You’ll be able to see the following.
Copy def add_function(x, y):
return x + y
Once again, let’s browse through the python script for the calling function from
Copy %%bash
You’ll notice the script only has a line of code.
Copy c = add_function(a, b)
Viewing the main configuration file
The main configuration should define the inputs as a
and b
and the output as c
, just as we've showed in the
Copy %%bash
less python.yaml
The YAML script file is as follows.
Copy ---
host: ""
- '@type': "PYTHON"
append_type: "BEFORE"
extra_inputs: {}
import_code_path: ""
python_code_path: ""
python_type: "float"
secondary_type: "NONE"
type: "DOUBLE"
python_type: "float"
secondary_type: "NONE"
type: "DOUBLE"
python_type: "float"
secondary_type: "NONE"
type: "DOUBLE"
job_suffix: "konduit_job"
python_config_type: "CONDA"
python_path: "1"
environment_name: "base"
python_path_resolution: "STATIC"
python_inputs: {}
python_outputs: {}
return_all_inputs: false
setup_and_run: false
port: 8082
protocol: "HTTP"
Using the configuration to start a server
Now we can use the konduit serve
command to start the server in background with the given files and configurations.
Copy %%bash
konduit serve -rwm --config python.yaml -id server --background
You’ll get the message like this.
Copy Starting konduit server...
Expected classpath: /root/konduit/bin/../konduit.jar
INFO: Running command /root/miniconda/jre/bin/java -Dkonduit.logs.file.path=/root/.konduit-serving/command_logs/server.log -Dlogback.configurationFile=/tmp/logback-run_command_13ccd5e27dfe43b1.xml -cp /root/konduit/bin/../konduit.jar ai.konduit.serving.cli.launcher.KonduitServingLauncher run --instances 1 -s inference -c python.yaml
For server status, execute: 'konduit list'
For logs, execute: 'konduit logs server'
Listing the servers
We can list the created servers with konduit list
The ID’s server lists like below, giving the status of the server.
Copy Listing konduit servers...
1 | server | inference | | 421 | started
Viewing logs
Logs can be viewed for the server with an ID of server
through running konduit logs server ..
Copy %%bash
konduit logs server --lines 1000
Logs output of started server:
Copy 09:44:17.852 [main] INFO a.k.s.c.l.command.KonduitRunCommand - Processing configuration: /root/konduit/demos/0-python-simple/python.yaml
09:44:19.436 [vert.x-worker-thread-0] INFO a.k.s.v.verticle.InferenceVerticle -
# #
# | / _ \ \ | _ \ | | _ _| __ __| | / | / #
# . < ( | . | | | | | | | . < . < #
# _|\_\ \___/ _|\_| ___/ \__/ ___| _| _|\_\ _) _|\_\ _) #
# #
09:44:19.436 [vert.x-worker-thread-0] INFO a.k.s.v.verticle.InferenceVerticle - Pending server start, please wait...
09:44:19.589 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO a.k.s.v.p.h.v.InferenceVerticleHttp - Inference HTTP server is listening on host: ''
09:44:19.589 [vert.x-eventloop-thread-0] INFO a.k.s.v.p.h.v.InferenceVerticleHttp - Inference HTTP server started on port 8082 with 1 pipeline steps
Sending inputs
Now we’ll be able to send the inputs for inferring the output.
Copy %%bash
konduit predict server '{"a":1,"b":2}'
The output result of the function deployed from the server.
Stopping the server
Stop the server by giving the ID’s we want to terminate.
Copy %%bash
konduit stop server
Status of the server will be printed out as below.
Copy Stopping konduit server 'server'
Application 'server' terminated with status 0
As you can see from this example, we only use a simple function to deploy in Konduit-Serving. Next, we'll deploy the model in Konduit-Serving.