Inspect Command

Examples of CLI with inspect command

The inspect command can be used to inspect the details of a particular Konduit Server based on given the server's id. This command helps in getting the details of a server configuration which can be further filter and formatted through a query string. You can specify the query string with either the --query or -q option.


The following command will inspect the whole configuration of server with an id of 'inf_server':

$ konduit inspect inf_server

The command will let you inspect the whole configuration setting based on your JSON/YAML file:

  "host" : "localhost",
  "port" : 42849,
  "useSsl" : false,
  "protocol" : "HTTP",
  "staticContentRoot" : "static-content",
  "staticContentUrl" : "/static-content",
  "staticContentIndexPage" : "/index.html",
  "kafkaConfiguration" : {
    "startHttpServerForKafka" : true,
    "httpKafkaHost" : "localhost",
    "httpKafkaPort" : 0,
    "consumerTopicName" : "inference-in",
    "consumerKeyDeserializerClass" : "io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization.JsonObjectDeserializer",
    "consumerValueDeserializerClass" : "io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization.JsonObjectDeserializer",
    "consumerGroupId" : "konduit-serving-consumer-group",
    "consumerAutoOffsetReset" : "earliest",
    "consumerAutoCommit" : "true",
    "producerTopicName" : "inference-out",
    "producerKeySerializerClass" : "io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization.JsonObjectSerializer",
    "producerValueSerializerClass" : "io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization.JsonObjectSerializer",
    "producerAcks" : "1"
  "mqttConfiguration" : { },
  "customEndpoints" : [ ],
  "pipeline" : {
    "steps" : [ {
      "@type" : "IMAGE_TO_NDARRAY",
      "config" : {
        "height" : 28,
        "width" : 28,
        "dataType" : "FLOAT",
        "includeMinibatchDim" : true,
        "aspectRatioHandling" : "CENTER_CROP",
        "format" : "CHANNELS_FIRST",
        "channelLayout" : "GRAYSCALE",
        "normalization" : {
          "type" : "SCALE"
        "listHandling" : "NONE"
      "keys" : [ "image" ],
      "outputNames" : [ "layer0" ],
      "keepOtherValues" : true,
      "metadata" : false,
      "metadataKey" : "@ImageToNDArrayStepMetadata"
    }, {
      "@type" : "LOGGING",
      "logLevel" : "INFO",
      "log" : "KEYS_AND_VALUES"
    }, {
      "@type" : "DEEPLEARNING4J",
      "modelUri" : "",
      "inputNames" : [ "layer0" ],
      "outputNames" : [ "layer5" ]
    }, {
      "@type" : "CLASSIFIER_OUTPUT",
      "inputName" : "layer5",
      "returnLabel" : true,
      "returnIndex" : true,
      "returnProb" : true,
      "labelName" : "label",
      "indexName" : "index",
      "probName" : "prob",
      "labels" : [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" ],
      "allProbabilities" : false
    } ]

You can use --query command flag to get specific fields of the server configuration. For example, the following command will print the host and port of the server:

$ konduit inspect inf_server --query {host}:{port}

You'll get the output based on what you have specified:


You can also use same command flag to get pipeline details, for example:

$ konduit inspect inf_server --query {host}:{port}-{pipeline}

You'll be able to see similar output including pipeline details like this:


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