Tensorflow Step

Example of applying Tensorflow Step

In this example, we include a series of steps in the core abstraction, a pipeline step. The pipeline step performs a task such as:

  • Pre-processing step

  • Running a model

  • Post-processing by transforming the output in a way that humans can understand

Once the pipeline is set up, the server can deploy the model.

import ai.konduit.serving.data.image.convert.ImageToNDArrayConfig;
import ai.konduit.serving.data.image.convert.config.AspectRatioHandling;
import ai.konduit.serving.data.image.convert.config.ImageNormalization;
import ai.konduit.serving.data.image.convert.config.NDChannelLayout;
import ai.konduit.serving.data.image.convert.config.NDFormat;
import ai.konduit.serving.data.image.step.ndarray.ImageToNDArrayStep;
import ai.konduit.serving.examples.utils.Train;
import ai.konduit.serving.models.nd4j.tensorflow.step.Nd4jTensorFlowStep;
import ai.konduit.serving.pipeline.api.data.NDArrayType;
import ai.konduit.serving.pipeline.impl.pipeline.SequencePipeline;
import ai.konduit.serving.pipeline.impl.step.ml.classifier.ClassifierOutputStep;
import ai.konduit.serving.vertx.api.DeployKonduitServing;
import ai.konduit.serving.vertx.config.InferenceConfiguration;
import ai.konduit.serving.vertx.config.InferenceDeploymentResult;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.Unirest;
import com.mashape.unirest.http.exceptions.UnirestException;
import io.vertx.core.DeploymentOptions;
import io.vertx.core.VertxOptions;
import org.nd4j.common.io.ClassPathResource;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;

Configure the pipeline step

Let's start from the main function by declare the variable of labels that will be used by ClassifierOutputStep() and getting the trained model.

String[] labels = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"};

//get the file of trained model
Train.ModelTrainResult modelTrainResult = Train.tensorflowMnistModel();

Create an inference configuration by default.

//a default Inference Configuration
InferenceConfiguration inferenceConfiguration = new InferenceConfiguration();

We'll need to include pre-processing step using ImageToNDArrayStep() to convert the input image into an array and specify all characteristics of the input image. To run a model, add Nd4jTensorFlowStep() into the pipeline and specify modelUri, inputNames and outputNames. ClassifierOutputStep() can be included for transforming the output in a way that humans can understand and set the following:

  • inputName : names for model's output layer

  • labels : list of output labels classifier

  • allProbabilities : false

//include pipeline step into the Inference Configuration
        .add(new ImageToNDArrayStep() //add ImageToNDArrayStep() into pipeline to set image to NDArray for input
                .config(new ImageToNDArrayConfig() //image configuration
        .add(new Nd4jTensorFlowStep() //add Nd4jTensorFlowStep into pipeline
        ).add(new ClassifierOutputStep()

Deploy the server

Let's deploy the model in the server by calling DeployKonduitServing with the configuration made before. The handler, a callback function, is applied, only after a successful or failed server deployment inside the handler block, as shown.

//deploy the model in server
DeployKonduitServing.deploy(new VertxOptions(), new DeploymentOptions(),
        handler -> {
            if (handler.succeeded()) { // If the server is successfully running
                // Getting the result of the deployment
                InferenceDeploymentResult inferenceDeploymentResult = handler.result();
                int runnningPort = inferenceDeploymentResult.getActualPort(); //get server's port
                String deploymentId = inferenceDeploymentResult.getDeploymentId(); //get server's deployment id

                System.out.format("The server is running on port %s with deployment id of %s%n",
                        runnningPort, deploymentId);

                try {
                    String result;
                    try {
                        result = Unirest.post(String.format("http://localhost:%s/predict", runnningPort))
                                .header("Accept", "application/json")
                                .field("image", new ClassPathResource("inputs/test_files/test_input_number_2.png").getFile(), "image/png")

                        System.out.format("Result from server : %s%n", result);

                    } catch (IOException e) {
                } catch (UnirestException e) {
            } else { // If the server failed to run

Note that we consider only one test input image in this example for inference to show the model's deployment in Konduit-Serving. After implementation, the successful server deployment gives below output text.

The server is running on port 40521 with deployment id of 4b7d8bc5-a711-499f-ad9f-9ccd82c3e142
Result from server : {
  "output_layer/Softmax" : [ [ 1.8688768E-8, 0.0962552, 0.7753802, 1.7737559E-8, 0.122773424, 4.7498935E-13, 3.0434896E-6, 0.005588151, 7.329317E-12, 3.4533626E-10 ] ],
  "prob" : 0.7753801941871643,
  "index" : 2,
  "label" : "2"

Process finished with exit code 0

The complete inference configuration in YAML format is as follows.

host: "localhost"
port: 0
use_ssl: false
protocol: "HTTP"
static_content_root: "static-content"
static_content_url: "/static-content"
static_content_index_page: "/index.html"
  start_http_server_for_kafka: true
  http_kafka_host: "localhost"
  http_kafka_port: 0
  consumer_topic_name: "inference-in"
  consumer_key_deserializer_class: "io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization.JsonObjectDeserializer"
  consumer_value_deserializer_class: "io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization.JsonObjectDeserializer"
  consumer_group_id: "konduit-serving-consumer-group"
  consumer_auto_offset_reset: "earliest"
  consumer_auto_commit: "true"
  producer_topic_name: "inference-out"
  producer_key_serializer_class: "io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization.JsonObjectSerializer"
  producer_value_serializer_class: "io.vertx.kafka.client.serialization.JsonObjectSerializer"
  producer_acks: "1"
mqtt_configuration: {}
custom_endpoints: []
  - '@type': "IMAGE_TO_NDARRAY"
      height: 28
      width: 28
      dataType: "FLOAT"
      includeMinibatchDim: true
      aspectRatioHandling: "CENTER_CROP"
      format: "CHANNELS_FIRST"
      channelLayout: "GRAYSCALE"
        type: "SCALE"
      listHandling: "NONE"
    - "image"
    - "input_layer"
    keepOtherValues: true
    metadata: false
    metadataKey: "@ImageToNDArrayStepMetadata"
  - '@type': "ND4JTENSORFLOW"
    - "input_layer"
    - "output_layer/Softmax"
    constants: {}
    model_uri: "/home/zulfadzli/KS2/konduit-serving-examples/java/target/classes/models/tensorflow/mnist/tensorflow.pb"
  - '@type': "CLASSIFIER_OUTPUT"
    input_name: "output_layer/Softmax"
    return_label: true
    return_index: true
    return_prob: true
    label_name: "label"
    index_name: "index"
    prob_name: "prob"
    - "0"
    - "1"
    - "2"
    - "3"
    - "4"
    - "5"
    - "6"
    - "7"
    - "8"
    - "9"
    all_probabilities: false

Last updated

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